Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And away we go...

Welcome to my blog. I guess that is what this is called. What is a blog, really? A forum to make your thoughts, antidotes, dreams, fears, etc public? I'm not really sure if that's my goal. I suppose I never really thought I'd have a need for a blog until it seemed like a good idea after completing my first year of triathlon. At worst, from a selfish standpoint, maybe a blog will hold me more accountable in my training. And best case, who knows, maybe someone will relate to something I put down here and actually enjoy reading this. I've read a few blogs as of recent, relating to triathlon. Some are informative. Some are entertaining. Some are hilarious. And, some, just plain suck. I'm hoping mine won't morph into the latter, but if it does, I certainly won't lose sleep over it. I'm not quite sure what I'll be throwing down here. I guess I'll spew it as it comes. One thing I'm sure of; after my first year being involved in this crazy sport...There is a lot to tell!

I guess that brings me to the next question: How in the world did a 40 year old guy, married with two kids, and generally out of shape, not only discover, but become hooked addicted to the sport of TRIATHLON? It's probably too long a story to put down right now. Suffice to say, what started a as goal to complete just one sprint distance tri, has become somewhat of an obsession for not only me, but for my wife as well. While some are addicted to religion, drugs, power, money, sex, you name the vice....I guess I am a born-again triathlete. I know what you must be thinking; wow, you must be very good! Quite the contrary. I am what they call very middle-of-road. Despite my aspirations for greatness, I have no natural ability when it comes to swimming, biking, or running. However, I have been somewhat surprised how much I've enjoyed pushing myself over the last year. However, my results so far have been average at best. Im hoping to improve on this in year two, but we shall see.

This is a start. Something to put down, and break the ice so to speak. Going forward, I hope to share some of my training, ups and downs, and certainly some of my experiences over the past year. I have once again raised the bar in terms of goals and races for this new year (thanks, in part, to the encouragement of my wife who is in this as deep as me, if not deeper!). I think that maybe it is the driving, the pushing, the raising of the bar that I enjoy...

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